Not Just A Princess - Official Launch
We're delighted to announce the official launch of Not Just A Princess®.
This evening we held our launch event in Old Street, London, where attendees included some of our website contributors, our charity Partner, Inspiring Girls International, representatives from the Government Equalities Office, and of course the founding members of Not Just a Princess itself as well as members of the press and a number of very welcome guests.
Our aim is to bring about change to the rampant sexism in the children’s clothing industry, and our own small contribution is to offer a range of gender positive t-shirts, as well as providing an online inspirational career hub for young girls (and their parents).
We're delighted to be backed by Miriam González Durántez’s charity Inspiring Girls International, the charity dedicated to raising the aspirations of young girls around the world by connecting them with female role models.
Founder of Not Just A Princess, Business Psychologist and Mum, Jennifer Toll is calling for a step change in harmful widespread gender sexist messaging on kid’s clothing. Not Just A Princess is on a mission to put the science behind fashion, demonstrating why what we write on our children’s clothes is important in forming future expectations.
She says: “When you look at the sort of messaging you get on girls clothes vs those on boys' clothing it’s no surprise that women grow up with a different level of confidence and a heightened need for perfectionism than men, and then we wonder why women make up only 23% of those in core STEM occupations in the UK? We’ve got to create more equal mindsets in girls and boys, and clothing messages is a great place to start.
"Clothing is of course just one facet in the complex system of sexism and projection of stereotypes - but it's one of the easiest that we can do something about through the Not Just A Princess movement. A close look at the high street shows you that we have a long way to go.
"If we can help inspire just a handful of girls to think differently about their potential carers, and they in turn inspire others then, what we're doing will have been absolutely worth it."