Why Words Matter
The Power of Words Have you ever wondered about the differences between girls and boys clothes? I hadn't until I had a girl and walked...

Beauty and The Beast: The Sequel?
Why Disney need to write a part 2: Belle's full story

TED Talks we love
Want to get behind our cause and share your #notjustaprincess story? Here are a few of our favourite references for you to find out more....

We Don't Hate Pink
Ever since starting conversations about this business I have been asked if I hate pink, or dresses, or princess crowns. Every time the...

Mum Guilt
Can we really have it all? Career, full on earth motherhood, wife etc etc the roles and titles just go on. As a Mum and a careerist, I...

Why is What Our Children Wear Important?
It’s easy to think there’s no harm in dressing our children in slogans, or even certain colours and styles of clothing. They’re only...